Monday 18 April 2011

Special Billy, W.A 7

Why was Billy so special? Billy was incredibly special and fortunate, but why? He was the only person to have been unstuck in time, he met the Tralfamadorians, he married a woman who had a rich father with connections, he had children, he was president of his club, he survived a plane crash and the war, but what made him have all these great things happen to him. Could it have been because he didn't care about anything that happened or because he knew he couldn't change it. But, he didn't deserve all these great and interesting things to happen to him. He never cared what happened to him or anybody else, he never tried at anything and he never strove for success. He was always too wrapped up in his own thoughts to care what was going on around him and he just let things happen, fortunately for him, good things happened to him and he went through life fairly succesfully and if he were a normal man he would've been happy with what he got. But, he didn't care, he probably would've been just as fine with having become poor because he knew which ever way his life was going he couldn't change it and wouldn't matter whether he cared or not because nothing he did mattered. Maybe that's why Billy's special and that's why special things happened to him, he was the only one to not care enough about his future to the point where he didn't do anything about it... even care.

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