Monday 18 April 2011

Knit-Picking Pilgrim, W.A 8

Greg asks: Did I... I mean you like the character of Billy Pilgrim?
Well Greg, that is an excellent question, may I say that is an exceedingly intelligent question, your intellect must be of a superior grade and I bet you are both a handsome fellow and exceedingly knowledgable in the field of everything.
On a more serious note, although I very much enjoyed Slaughterhouse 5, I really disliked the character of Billy Pilgrim, not the way he was written in the book, but if I were to know somebody like him, I would very much despise him, otherwise, he worked very well in the context of the novel...  well of course he did, otherwise SH5 would've been terrible.The main aspect I disliked about Billy was the fact that he never changed his situation, or at least attempted to. At all moments during the book, he always knew what was going to happen to him and whether good or bad he never attempted to change it, never even thought about it. When he was going to die, it would've been as simple as asking one of the police officers to escort him or to not have left home that day, but no... he just goes along with what's going to happen. The other trait of Billy's character that made me really dislike him was how much he didn't care about his situation which somewhat goes along with his attempt to not change what was going to happen. Even when he knew he was going to die, he wasn't really sad, he didn't even really care, he just lets events happen without even batting an eyelash. He was also never really grateful for the good things that happened to him, like marrying a wealthy woman who's father set him up with his own job and put him through school. He didn't even care when he was a kid, he did work, but never really looked to here he was going, he was essentially a ghost, emotions just pass right through him. The only time he really feels any emotion is when he's at peace with himself on the cart ride back and that truly was the one time he stopped being a ghost and he was for one instant human again.

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