Monday 18 April 2011

The Good Fight, SH5 W.A 5

Oddly enough, I have already started writing a novel and until recently... due to the hard drive crash of my laptop, had been getting pretty far into it, I almost had Chapter 1 done (doesn't sound like a lot, but I'm like Ayn Rand, one chapter for me is like 200 pages). I entitled it, the Good Fight, and although I am by no means a religious person, the title is taken from a quote in the bible. It takes place in the early 22nd century in the year 2125 in what was the United States, Canada, China and Russia during a global socio-communist revolution. As the globalisation of the world was coming to full fruition, many countries sought to combine forming large supercountries, like the European Union did, except under the ideals of Communism and/or Socialism. Some countries went through a peaceful restructuring like the EU and others went under more violent and bloody revolutions, mainly in the United States. What really caused the 2nd American Revolution was that many corporations felt threatened by the major socialist reforms and put the government in a position to be bought out by these companies which was an event that came to be known as the Great Buyout. Many people were angered by this buyout and turned to the revolutionaries, the Socialist Republic of America (SRA) which had already gained speed over the past decade due to support from the British Commmunist Commonwealth (BritComm) and a succesful open revolution occured. After 5 years of stable governance by the SRA, the remnants of the US government, CIA and supporters of the capitalist regime formed a tight group known as the Free American Army (FAA) which wanted to have the good ol' days of US back just with more control over the corporations and was supported by the Sino Republic (22nd century China). Open violence occured and the FAA wanted either secession or complete dominance over the SRA causing the 2nd American Civil War. So far... all that was extremely condensed backstory. The novel revolves around 2 teams of soldiers, 1 FAA (York Team) and 1 SRA (Wolf Team) stationed in a remote mining town in upstate New York. Each member of each team is based off of my friends and relatives, just because I understand them better, and for my own sake and sanity are currently written as their names in the real world which I will go back and come up with names later... myself being leader of Wolf. After Wolf gets a distress call from York team, they go to investigate the FAA base on the other side of the Valley. They get a chilling warning from an FAA agent who appears out of nowhere and disappears just as quickly. What they find in the base... is the infection, a virus that is similar to that of 28 Days Later... for those of you who don't know what that is... it's essentially a zombie virus. As they recover the York Team members the members of both teams decide that they have to work together to uncover the truth over who released the virus. What they find is a conspiracy bigger than the petty squable between the FAA and SRA and find that the two sides will have to work together in order to prevent the taking over of North America by a foreign superpower. This journey will take them from, their orginal bases to (in no particular order) Montreal, Washington DC, Miami, Boston, NYC, a space station, Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, Pittsburgh, Vladivostok, Beijing and Hong Kong. There are some great romantic tales, dark and cheap humour, inspiring heroic feats, storyline twists and character development and conflict that fill up the novel. The main message I want to instill in the readers of the book is that every single human being on Earth is equal and that we should all work towards the common goal of humanity... progress and the only people we should fight are those opposed to progress, represented by the infection, the dictator of the Sino Republic who blinds his people with catchy and mindless propaganda and CI. That is why I named it the Good Fight, because the characters in the novel are fighting for what they believe is the good fight. This reflects my own personal beliefs, that humanity is great and has so much potential to accomplish great things by learning and striving to understand the mysteries of our universe, you give one man some time and some tools and he can achieve something amazing, but you give a group of men that same time and tools... and the sky is the limit (man is used here as a pronoun, meaning humanity). This is what you guys see me doodling in my notebooks in class all the time, this is what you see me filling up my notebooks with background story, this is what all my thought has been consumed with over the past year and this is why my screen name is Wolf1!

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