Monday 28 February 2011

Stuck in Reality

Humanity's dream, to cross the uncrossable boundary of time and to alter history's unstoppable march from changing something silly that one said at a party to attempting to alter tragedies like 9/11 and the World Wars. Billy Pilgrim is under the impression that he is breaking this universal boundary, but he is just a broken old man whose traumatic experiences in life have turned his golden years into a merry-go-round of insanity blended with memories which have long since past. The human mind is the organ that is most important to every single person on our planet, yet it is the least understood. This organ composed of complex tissues which produces and releases electrical impulses and chemical compounds is the most powerful tool in humanity's arsenal of weapons to progress and conquer our reality. However, when it is broken, it can be the downfall of even the strongest and most intelligent person by bending our reality and making the impossible... seem true. Billy Pilgrim's experiences during the War, all the heartbreaking deaths of people close to his heart and finally the blender that mixed this cocktail of psychosis in Billy's head: a knock to the head during the plane crash. Billy believes all that he thought he saw, the Tralfamadorians and becoming unstuck in time, because his mind is making him believe it, in reality he is probably an old man on his death bed with a brain that has been worn down by the trauma in his life. But... Billy's fractured mind begs the question, if our mind believes something true, then is it... at least to ourselves?

1 comment:

  1. I really liked this line: "but he is just a broken old man whose traumatic experiences in life have turned his golden years into a merry-go-round of insanity blended with memories which have long since past." You articulated your thoughts very well here, Greg. I agree that the mind is a weapon, and sometimes it does the most damage when it backfires.
