Friday 11 March 2011

Censor the Censors, W.A. 3

Censorship is the basic way that government's try to limit what their citizens read, learn and understand. It is a terrible way of limiting a person's understanding of what they're going to see because a) Somebody took a lot of time to create that piece, b) If something's censored it only peaks people's curiosity as to why it's censored... making more people want to see it. If an idea or concept in the piece is considered either too mature or has some controversial themes then it should have a rating, just like movies and video games rather than a censor. A human should not be forbidden to gain knowledge from a piece, just because a message that the government doesn't agree with is written down, doesn't necessarily mean it will be believed, rather, it helps expand the cititzen's world view and understand what other people think of their nation. Censorship in the sense of Adult themes and content is also pointless because most readers are adults and parents can limit what their children read if they really want to. These are themes that are found in real life and shouldn't be censored. The censors are wrong and are the bourgeoise way that companies and governments want to restrict knowledge. The censors should be censored and the people should be free!

Friday 4 March 2011

Knowledge is Progress, W.A. 2

"New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on Earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become." A simple piece of wisdom left behind by the amazingly psychotic author, Kurt Vonnegut. The knowledge of our past as well as the knowledge of how our world works makes us.... all of humanity understand our purpose and our ultimate desiny in this massive universe we live in. The more knowledge we gain, the richer we become in this ultimate goal of understanding. This knowledge is progress, it's what gave man fire, tools, weapons, vehicles, communications, services and brought us to the moon. The more we understand the follow we will strive, out into space, faster than light travel, holograms, incredible feats that we have yet to wrap our mind around. But, this concept of knowledge is wealth can also be brought down from such an epic scale to our daily lives. If a person loves another person, and they find out that that love is shared it brings a joy that is greater than any other a person has known, and this feeling is wealth, TRUE wealth is not defined as money or as material goods, it is a greater happiness in a person that comes from the simple joy of just living our lives. Whether that great feeling spawns from great friends, love or comfort in one's life it doesn't matter, but the knowledge that one is secure in this world is the best feeling one can experience.